Imagine being able to say…
“I’m a different person!
Pain-free, confident and back in control”
Bodylogiq Mastery
Do you feel trapped in a maze of frustration, going around and around in circles?
Are you tired and fed up with recurring physical pain?
Perhaps something feels disjointed, and you feel the need to talk but don’t know who to talk to or what to talk about.
Or maybe you are not contented with life, full stop.
If this resonates, BodylogiqTM Mastery was made for you.
Some might even call it ‘magic’.
Mastery combines BodylogiqTM and MindlogiqTM, the art of discovering and revealing your outer and inner self.
It is a 9-month (40 weeks) 1-1 programme.
As a personalised journey, Mastery is a total physical and emotional revelation and recalibration. Taking you from pain to peace and into power and potential.
Together, we work with the whole of you, head to toe, inside and out, not just the individual parts.
After all, your mind, emotions, and body are all connected, working as one integrated, complex entity that can’t be separated and dealt with in isolation.
We start with a deep dive into what’s happening, both now and in the past. We look at lifestyle, nutrition, activity levels, stress, medication, injury and posture. Establishing what may be causing pain.
I create a personalised prescription of gentle movements to start releasing soft tissue. Helping you to understand how and why your body is responding in the way it is.
When the movements start to work their magic, a gentle cascade effect begins. The whole body naturally realigns, creating a relaxed and pain-free state that you may not have believed was possible.
You will feel years younger and find yourself doing things you had given up hope of ever doing again.
Are you ready to change?
If you are ready, you will know. You will be drawn to the possibilities and results of this programme.
You are important, it is time to put yourself first and book a call.
MindlogiqTM has a similar process to BodylogiqTM:
We review with a deep dive into the now and sometimes the past (but not always). Establishing what may be causing pain.
I create a personalised prescription of gentle tasks to start identifying and unlocking restrictive thoughts. Helping you to understand how and why your body is responding in the way it is.
When the tasks start to work their magic, a gentle emotional cascade effect begins. We then realign your thoughts, patterns and behaviours. Taking you to emotional liberation.
Again, the process is so gentle you won’t realise that you are changing.
“A trouble
is a trouble halved…”
Your life’s path doesn’t come with a predefined map; it unfolds based on your choices as you progress.
We all have a journey and lessons to learn but we don’t need to travel alone. For a while, we can travel together.
I offer over 20 years of training, decades of experience and guidance together with support. Sometimes, we can overlook the signs and symbols and messages of life, and a second pair of eyes can be very helpful.
Allow me to highlight possibilities and offer solutions to overcome any challenges.
It is not for me to tell you what to do, but to open the door of possibilities. It is your choice whether you explore the other side of the door.
During the BodylogiqTM Mastery programme, you will explore the art of self-awareness, growth and revelation. You will understand the power and potential of the true essence of who you are.
Experience a mindset transformation so subtle you won’t even realise how much you are changing, and the results can be truly amazing.
Are you ready for a shift, a transformation, a complete rebirth?
If that’s a yes, book a call.
This course is designed to illuminate the keys to unlocking your true essence.
BodylogiqTM Mastery will help you shine both professionally and personally. It will support you with knowing exactly what you need to release or change so that you can finally be the queen of your own life rather than the pawn in someone else’s.
Create an image of your future and this programme will lead you through the steps on the path to your new way of being. We will take a view from all angles of your life and learn how to move you where you want to be. Where you need to be.
Are you ready to invest in yourself and release your inner queen?
If that’s a hell yes, book a call
I can’t wait to meet you!
A 9-month (40 weeks) 1-1 programme, personalised journey.
Mastery is a total physical and emotional revelation and recalibration, taking you from pain to peace and into power and potential.
“In the beginning, I was surprised at how simple and subtle the “exercises” were. How could that be enough to cause a change?! Some of the movements were familiar and some were brand new. All of it was easy because I was to work within my comfort zone. It was easier than I expected to work via video call. During our entire journey, I have felt fully held and supported by Karen. She creates a truly welcoming atmosphere in our sessions. When I was hesitant to admit something (such as not doing my exercises or feeling some resistance) her reaction made me feel completely validated and I wished I’d brought it up earlier. Not once have I ever felt a single iota of “should” from Karen. Instead, I feel love, curiosity, and playfulness. And that has rubbed off on me. I’m feeling a lot more curious, playful and loving toward myself.
The process reminds me of drizzling oil into an emulsion: at first, it might seem like nothing is changing, but suddenly it all comes together. Kim Adams
Join me, I’d love to be able to help you to be
Start your journey today.
Call: +44 (0)7917 410770
© Copyright 2023 Karen Chappell. All rights reserved.