Nurture – a day of self-care and self-awareness

When was the last time you took the opportunity to update your personal health plan?

Is there someone you know and love who is in need of a little TLC?

Nurture is a day of self care and self-awareness, organised by Karen Chappell creator of the Bodylogiq approach – ‘living life pain free and without limits’.

Head to:

Ulverscroft Manor Activity Centre, Priory Lane, Markfield, LE67 9PH

Saturday, 30 March 2019, 10.30 – 15.30

Building on the success of last year’s event, and the feedback from those who attended, this year’s ‘check in’ programme allows you to learn more about what is currently available to you and others to ‘relax, refresh and revive’.

Throughout the day, experts will be available to listen and talk to about all aspects of your well being through a programme of presentations, an exhibition of professional ‘pop up’ wellbeing advisors and a network of nurturers.

“It’s a totally brilliant day!”

“An excellent programme.  Informative, engaging & inclusive”

The presentations start with eye health and you will learn how to ‘look at’ what you need to ‘look at’ to reduce stresses and strains in this area.

Healthy feet are next. What is it that you need to nurture and improve the condition of your twinkle toes?

Karen teaches everyone about the magic of muscle testing and leads the way on a shamanic walk. This helps to work up an appetite for a bespoke buffet created by Liz Buswell. Make sure you wear, or bring, your ‘active leisure wear’ to experience this one.

By now you are feeling fabulous, full of inspiration and ready to explore how to beat cravings with expert practitioner and author, Bridgette Hamilton, who helps you ‘gently turn away from painful habits and embrace ones that naturally support your body’s processes’.

Author and publisher, Sarah Houldcroft shines a light on the subject of colour therapy, which covers such diverse areas such as:, how colour affects our health and how to use it to heal ourselves, mood enhancing colours and the use of colour in diet, dress and décor.

The practise of mindfulness is becoming more and more integrated as a way of recognising and reducing external stresses that bombard us on a daily basis, be it from work and business pressures, fraught families and friends, social media platforms or other triggers. Come back into balance and the present in this session and get that ‘Aha’ moment.

Enhance your sense of smell by enjoying a masterclass on aromatherapy and how to create your personalised deodorant.

Karen brings the day of discoveries to an end with a meditation, so you leave feeling fully nurtured, calm, collected and inspired to move forward having met so many experts who can help you on your way.

Below are some pics from 2018

Nurture –  a day of self care and self-awareness

book now for the early bird price of £69 in February – the price goes to £89 in March

Speakers and activities may change on the day